Mar 24 2014
Stretching and Injury Prevention for Runners and Athletes

Stretching and Injury Prevention for Runners and Athletes

Presented by Piedmont Orthopaedic Complex at Piedmont Orthopaedic Complex

 Running is great for your heart, your lungs, your circulatory system, and your waistline. Running helps you sleep better and think sharper. It’s a fantastic stress reliever that has the ability to add years to your life. Unfortunately, it’s one of the high impact sports that can take a toll on your body.

According to recent studies, experienced runners sustain about 5.1 injuries per 1,000 hours of running. For inexperienced runners, the rate is closer to 16.8 per 1,000 hours. The most common injuries for people who run regularly include blisters, runner’s knee, muscle strains, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and Achilles tendinopathy (Achilles tendonitis). Injuries can be immediate and traumatic or they can develop over the course of several years due to overuse. Many different factors come into play when it comes to injury, such as age, fitness level, flexibility, footwear, training surface and intensity and more.

Whether you’re a competitive runner or you just want to enjoy running a few miles each week, it’s important to be smart about your fitness program.

If you are interested in learning stretching techniques and prevention tips to sustain a long and fulfilling running career, we invite you to attend a free seminar at Piedmont Orthopaedic Complex hosted by Dr. Bill Barnes (orthopaedic and sports medicine specialist) as well as Heath, Geoff and Tee of Piedmont’s Physical Therapy team.

Admission Info



Dates & Times

2014/03/24 - 2014/03/24

Location Info

Piedmont Orthopaedic Complex

4660 Riverside Park Blvd., Macon, GA 31210